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Cobblepot Concept Cinematic

The following cinematic concept was created as part of the WBD Access x Rocksteady Games Academy (2023) and was presented as a concept pitch for the programme. Please note that it is NOT associated with any project currently in development at Rocksteady Studios.

This is a project that was created as part of the first ever WBD Discovery Access x Rocksteady Games Academy (2023), where I specialised in environment concept art. The goal was to create a game pitch influenced by the Batman Arkham series, working in teams of four representing different specialties: Art, Game Design, Audio, and QA. Our team developed the pitch for Cobblepot, a narrative-driven game exploring the tragic backstory of Batman-Villain, The Penguin. We underwent a rigorous development stage and received guidance from industry professionals, including members of the Art team at Rocksteady studios.

Context: The pitched game's narrative centers around Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin, as he visits Cobblepot Manor to see his dying mother, a place of trauma and rejection for him. However, unbeknownst to him, his psychiatrist has replaced his medication with a fear toxin, leading to progressively worse hallucinations throughout the game.

Cobblepot Concept Cinematic

3D Development from project

3D Development from project