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Cobblepot Project Development Work

This is a project that was created as part of the first ever WBD Discovery Access x Rocksteady Games Academy (2023), where I specialised in environment concept art. The goal was to create a game pitch influenced by the Batman Arkham series, working in teams of four representing different specialties: Art, Game Design, Audio, and QA. Our team developed the pitch for Cobblepot, a narrative-driven game exploring the tragic backstory of Batman-Villain, The Penguin. We underwent a rigorous development stage and received guidance from industry professionals, including members of the Art team at Rocksteady studios.

Context: The pitched game's narrative centers around Oswald Cobblepot, aka The Penguin, as he visits Cobblepot Manor to see his dying mother, a place of trauma and rejection for him. However, unbeknownst to him, his psychiatrist has replaced his medication with a fear toxin, leading to progressively worse hallucinations throughout the game.

These are various pieces and assets created for the final pitch presenation, as well as some samples of our development process.

*Disclaimer* This is a pitch concept created for the programme and NOT ASSOCIATED with any project in development at Rocksteady